Product Authentication

Follow these steps to make sure your product is authentic.

1. Verify the security labels has been Authentic:

ID Number Location Enter ID number
is a demo label. It has not been Authenticated. has been authenticated. has not been authenticated, your product may be counterfeit. is Authentic but has been verified multiple times and may be counterfeit. cannot be validated. You have exceed your allowed attempts. Plese tray again in a few minutes. cannot be validated. The validation service id unavailable.

2. Check for the authentication dots and numbers by tilting the security label to view each side of the holographic CPI logo:

Tilt Right Tilt Right
1 Dot
Tilt Left Tilt Left
2 Dots
Tilt Forward Tilt Forward
3 Dots
Tilt Back Tilt Back
4 Dots

3. Check for the off angle text by rotating the security label:

Rotate Right Rotate Right
Rotate Left Rotate Left

4. Examine your product:

Inspect your product and security label.

Look for signs of damage, tampering, missing seals, and un-familiar packaging or features.

5. Report:

If you suspect your product may be counterfeit, please contact us.